Only through improvising can you achieve perfect victory. 

You meet, initiate contact
connection is made.

If opponent goes on offensive,
immediately supercede the curve with a straight line
and the straight line with a curve.

The truth is always a straight line,
a fallacy is always a curve.

Honesty is the best policy,
and will always be best in the end.
But to achieve victory is to achieve ones goals,
do not make goals you do not want to succeed in.
that is the path to corruption.

When dealing with logic
use a fallacy
when dealing with a fallacy
use logic

corruption for you is bad
corruption for the enemy is good
by confusing them you can achieve victory
by allowing them to defeat themselves.

corruption leads only to defeat.
to fight amongst oneself is corruption
to force things is corruption
because it makes turmoil

The core of Corruption is order
the core of order is chaos.
it is good to have chaotic origins refined through order.
Self discipline give you control to act upon your urges.

chaos refined with ordered mechanics;
allows you to function in chaos with harmony.

You must always attack at opposing angles.
these are abstractions of reality,
their applications must be applied to your life.

First you must learn the rules of the game.
Once you know the rules you can successfully parry any attack
and strike any weak spot
if someone breaks the rules,
use the rules to break them;
if someone uses the rules to break you,
break the rules

Rules are arbitrary, but necessary
thus they exist.

I follow the rules when they perpetuate my purpose
I break the rules when they hinder my progress

if caught breaking the rules, reveal the rule's weaknesses
when following the rules, reveal their strength's

Yes, this is like a snake
A snake cannot be contained:
they are escape artists.

By showing weaknesses as strengths
this creates a front of fear and illusion.
People believe it.

By showing strength's as weaknesses
when they attack, they will be defeated.
They like the easy way.

The easy route is most assuredly not.
But that does not mean you should run into a wall of swords
Do not look for weak spots,
look for ways around the strong ones
The worst defense is to shell yourself in
Sure you look unattackable
But in truth you are already defeated.

The appearance of yourself reveals your self in two ways:
a turtle in it's shell looks both defended and defeated.
the tiger looks fierce, but it's skin looks soft.

To attack a tiger: Attack!
to attack a turtle: defend.
The enemy will make it's mistake
and allow you to make contact and defeat it.

A tiger must learn not to wear his claws down against a turtle shell.
A defensive tiger does not live long
an attacking turtle dies quickly

Through contradictions and balance does one exist.
The only true enemy is corruption and fear
because it causes chaos in oneself
making the individual make the mistake
thus they falter.
Always be very careful.
The soul is chaos 
the body is order

Do not tell lies to the body
do not force things on soul
both are equal and they are the same
thus they exist.