(this was once well organized, but Netscape crashed an hour into making it and I didn't save it, so baby, here it is)


a scattered tribe of foolish nihilistic heroes who thought that they could fight valiently against evil and win.


i forget

Alister - the manifestation of hatred that james blames for  outbursts of anger and frusteration

Amchine - A man from the future who has both his eyes and his mouth sewn shut.  He is a great warrior and assassin, to be feared by all.  His whereabouts and past are a mystery

Armageddon Machine - A Jack-in-the-box that is missing it's crank.  When the incorrect crank is turned it reviels a small annoying jester who never shuts up. With the correct crank however, it reveals the armageddon doll.

Armageddon Doll

The telletubbie "Po" is the armageddon doll.  When you pull the pin from her head, she explodes like a grenade, engulfing the entire universe with 12th dimensional flames of fury, destroying EVERYTHING


Shown here in an alien prison camp, atrix has gone by many names.  He is one of the first adunai masters, and he is my long time comrade.he freaking won't loan me 7 dollars for porn

Bird Girl

This is a mysterious  girl who has come from no where to assist the adunai in their quest.

Bobo-Bobo is a dwarf my (EX)girlfriend Meg and I bought from a slave trader.  Normally we believe slavery is wrong but Bobo sincerely likes living in his cage.

Chaos Rabbit - First there was nothing, and out of this nothing came the chaos rabbit.  He caused chaos to envelope the universe and it created life.  He was on earth when anarchy ensued and he enjoyed it.  However order soon came to reign and he was bored, so he went back to the 7th dimension.  As he left, he told the people of earth "wake me up in anarchy"

Cybernetic Shaolin Popeye

Using the adunai computer, it was revealed that the Adunai's only hope to defeat the evil of the earth was with the aid of Cybernetic Shaolin Popeye.  Instead of the anchor tattoo, he has the dragon and tiger on the inner part of his forearms.

David -

 My cousin.  He's adunai. I couldn't find a pic of him now, so here's a pic of he and I when we were little.  He's the smaller one. (new picture forthcoming)

Me.  I'm a nihilist.  I have a bad temper and hope someday nuclear disaster destroys the earth, and then there is no afterlife when we die, so that our entire existance is negated by the cruel hand of fate.

Evil Twisted Adunai - There are signs that somewhere out there is a band of evil twisted adunai bent on revenge against us.

fairy - What is this fairy doing all over the place? I wish I knew.


Katana wielding berzerker, who messes everything up and destroys everything.

Guybrush Threepwood - Hero of the 3 monkey islands games, and adunai everywhere.  He killed the pirate lechuck and revealed to us all the true way of killing ghosts: rootbeer.  There's lots more to say about him, but i forget.

Holly - a young adunai in training, cousin of Kate.

Infinity Turtle - the turtle that holds up all the other turtles that are holding up earth.


wayward soul and hero of many.


Jubei is the single greatest swordfighter of all times.  He first appeared in "Ninja Scroll" where he regulated, killing at last count over 42 ninjas in about 3 minutes.  When "Ninja Ressurection" came out, I was thinking "in order for jubei to fight his equal. he's hafta fight a god or something" and thats what they did, they had jubei fight Jesus Christ and his Black Dragon.  Of course though, I was wrong, and neither christ nor his dragon lived very long when put up against my favorite ninja master.  See how he throws the rice ball up in the air? if he was trying to kill you, you'd be dead before it fell gently back into his hand.


All comments about kate are being put on hold for right now.

Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching.  Then he wondered off into the chinese wilderness never to be seen again.

Little Eric

Santa Claus' biggest fan.


A lost traveler on the road of Adunai.  Her potential is great, if she can only see it through.

Mad Dog

My little brother and a powerful ally in his own right.  His path is unforseen.

Mahow Mahow

A 72 centimeter's tall dancing ninja midgit.


a girl i once knew, i believe her when she says her love is dead, she doesn't need me.

Mexican Desparados with Aqualungs

These were pointed to as the root of all evil by the Adunai Computer.  These underwater hispanic conspirators are very cunning and very drunk.

Mobo - The midgit perpetuator of all gossip.  I once hired him as a private eye to spy on meg, but then he double crossed me, then he told everyone everything.  He sneaks around telling everything everyone wants to keep secrets and he thinks it's funny.  He's short and ugly, and looks like a normal private eye except shorter.

Order Bunny - she is the antipode of the chaos rabbit.


Paul is a young and agile adunai warrior who seems to be lost in this world.  He will be a great man once he arrives at Terripin


Poncho himself is a drunken mexican desparado, but have no fear of his loyalty, he is my true and honorable sidekick.  If Poncho was a gigapet, he'd have but one button, to refill his tequila.  Poncho has many brothers, the most notable are: Vasquez and Sancho.  Poncho is the greatest quickdraw gunfighter  in the known universe. (after me..)

Pook (pooky)

This is pook, pook is cool..
someday when i feel so inclined i will write more instead of forcing out some stupid stuff now.

Remo - Remo is a great and powerful arch-mage

 Click here to learn about two *new* adunai words!!!!

Sancho - the man in mexican mythology who sleeps with the people's wives while they are away.

Santa Claus -

Every child's favorite deity.  He brings us presents and asks only cookies in return.  We never have to fight wars or kill wiccans for him, and he never makes us read his big book and go to a place to worship him.  Santa Claus is the man.  Little Eric has a webpage here  about him.

Shaolin Monks - Masters of martial arts, these ancient warriors fought and defeated an army of manchu soldiers with the odds of 108 against 10000.

Shirokahn - My dragon, i just adopted him and he's pretty tenacious.  I'll keep you updated.

Spell Jammin Ram  - a seventh dimensional being who can go in and out of reality by ripping holes in the space time continuum.

Spell Jammin Bear - little is known of this nth dimensional being.  He almost killed me for talking badly of bears. Almost.

here he is pictured after being hit with an adunai fireball.

Space Moose

a space faring moose.


Aka: Chanel shown here with her twin apparently. 

Strimbello - Two things go by the title Strimbello..
a) My friend and fellow Adunai from GA
b) a hamster propelled helicopter that I hope will make me fortunes


A brain tumor inducing television signal.  This allows the creators of videodrome to control the people with the tumors.  The tumor themselves are called the new flesh, which are inherently good and pure, but videodrome corrupts it.
Videodrome = corruption.

Walt Disney

Shown here with 2 hyperdimensional space monkey's, Walt Disney was frozen in cryogenic freeze.  However, he is released in the year 2130 where the Disney Corporation has taken over earth.  Seeing this, he vows to stop the evil that has become of his company, and along with the help of the adunai, plots his revenge.